About This Blog and Blogger


My name is Alyssa, and this is my first blog.  It is for my AP Language and Composition class.  I'm really excited to get started.

First, let me tell you a bit about myself.  I'm a junior at Kennedy High School, and am pretty involved in activities around the school.  The thing that keeps me the most busy is band, and the many types of band that I am a part of.  This begins with marching band, then concert band, jazz band, and show choir combo.  I play the trombone, and have been playing for about 6 years now.  I picked it up in 6th grade, mainly because I couldn't sing, and band was my way out of choir.  I fell in love, and now the band room is like a second home to me.

Along with band, I am on the bowling team.  I have been bowling since I was about 4, starting on Saturday morning leagues at May City.  I kept with this, and was pleasantly surprised when I found out that high schools had bowling teams, because this was right up my ally. (Haha, get it? Okay, not that funny, and not intentional, I promise)  I signed up as fast as I could, and ended up being on varsity my freshman year.  I have met so many amazing friends through bowling, and have made memories that I know will last forever.

Something new that I have picked up is golf.  I'm not very good, and there's a lot that I still don't understand about it, but in the spring, after its been freezing cold and wet for months, its nice to get outside and be in the fresh air with my friends.  I hope to continue on with this, and get better, because it's a sport that anybody can continue past just high school.

When I'm not at school, I also work at Hy-Vee.  I started a few months ago as a courtesy, so I was bagging groceries, cleaning bathrooms, bringing in carts, all the stuff that nobody really wants to do, but has to be done.  I am now checker trained, so I am now a cashier as well.   I have recently been moved into the Health Market, so now I'm stocking, organizing, and cleaning in my new department.  This is a good change from what I was doing, and I really enjoy being away from all the craziness of the front of the store.

This blog is a part of my AP Language and Composition class.  I am supposed to be posting three times a week, and 1,200 words a week.  I plan to keep up with this. The topic, as the title may give away, is music.  Everything about it.  Music is very important to me, because it's always there for me when I need it.

I hope you enjoy my blog as much as I am going to enjoy posting!!  

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