There are two kinds of people in this world. Those people that love country music, and those that hate it. There are very few people that, when asked, say "It's okay." The debate is almost as black and white as the "Twilight" debate, Team Edward, or Team Jacob.
Those that enjoy country music are everywhere. It's not just the people that live on farms, and drive pick-up trucks, and live on the Midwest. We know this from how popular country music has become. Some of the most famous artists currently are country stars, and they are doing pretty well on the charts. These people don't try to cram it down people's throats by any means, but they most prefer to not turn it off to listen to the cookie cutter stuff that is what most of the rest of the world likes to listen to. That's what they like to listen to, usually what they've been raised listening to, and who wants to listen to the same 30 songs played over and over all day long?
On the other side, we have the people who are against country music 100%. They hear a country sounding intro, and they change the station or turn off the radio immediately, and demand it be changed. They have no interest in it whatsoever. Most of these people, when giving a reason why they don't like country music, say it's all "rednecks singing about trucks, dogs, and girls." To them, all songs sound exactly alike, and they have little to no variety. They prefer music that is more globalized and about more than three things. people that are against country music openly bash people that enjoy it, calling them hicks and trying to get them to listen to other music, maybe something with a more techno feel to it?
In my personal opinion, I don't mind it. I understand that I said that there are two types of people, with no shades of grey, but maybe there is a small shade of grey between the two. I used to be the type of person to bash country music, and refuse to listen to it. There were a few songs that were kinda catchy to me, but beyond that was a lot of music that I would never try. Then one day, was just in a mood that I wanted to listen to country music non-stop, and that's what I did. I do prefer male singers to female when it comes to country, but I keep an open mind. In my personal experience, country music is not all about the same thing, and it's not all alike. It's just as diverse as any other genre of music. I can also vouch for the other side and say that a lot of it does sound alike, style-wise. But so does every type of music. That's what makes it country music, just like rock music is rock music and pop music is pop music. So before you go and pick a side, give them both a second look. You might be surprised what you find.
Hi-a. First of I like the blog. Second the background hurts my head. And finally we live in the Midwest and not on Midwest, there are some grammar issues but besides that it was good.