Often times, people claim to be a fan of a group or a genera of music. Or they say they don't like a specific group or genera. It happens all the time. Sometimes this is true. You have listened to the group a lot, or heard a wide range of music of the genera, and you truly love or dislike it. Many times, people are ignorant and write of something, only hearing a couple songs.
To be considered a fan of something, you need to have a good base of knowledge, an understanding of the origins, and know more than just one or two songs. Forming an opinion takes time, and patience. People pretend to be a super fan of groups and pretend to know so much about a group, but what do they really know? Their names? Their most popular song played on the radio? In my personal opinion, I find that if I am a fan of an artist or group, I prefer their album music to the songs that are played over and over on the radio.
This leads me into the topic of super-fans. The most common and widely known example of this is Beliebers, or Justin Bieber fans. Oh my word, they get crazy. some of these people could be considered fans. They appreciate the music, they understand and relate to it, they actively follow what is going on in his life. Then there's the crazy ones, that eat, breathe, and live all things Justin. They know everything from the exact time, place, and hospital room he was born in. What he had for breakfast that morning, because they should probably have that, and have plans for a wedding set. They see that somebody posted a review of his song hat didn't say it was a song worth of the gods, and they get angry and threaten to mob their house. They know the music, but they care more about the way he looks, and simply that the lyrics are mostly love songs. They don't look for the deeper meanings, or what he's truly talking about. (Fun fact: "Where Are You Now" is actually written about his dad.) In my own personal opinion, these are not fans, as much as obsessed people that need something to talk about, and seek attention.
On the very opposite end, we have the haters. These people decide that they don't like an artist or group after hearing one song, if even that, and criticize everything they do. Even things not related to music, like the way they walk. (It's one foot in front of the other, just like everybody else.) They don't give them a second chance, because maybe they were trying something new in that song, or they don't have the experience yet if they're a starting artist. They usually don't keep their opinions to themselves, they have to actively post and make comment to attempt to tear these people down.
Both of these types of people are annoying. I'm not saying we all have to love all kinds of music and artists, I'm saying it's not necessary to be obsessive. Look into the deeper meanings of songs, and explore everything about the artist or group before you write them off. And music and looks don't always match, so why does it matter what the artist looks like. Yes, it's nice to have a handsome face on an album cover, but does that make the music good? Not always. Explore before you form an opinion, and be open to changing it, because everyone deserves a second chance.