Sunday, January 24, 2016

Song Breakdown: Love Yourself

Upon hearing the title of this song, I thought it was going to be a really pretty song about how important you are to the world, and how you should love yourself, instead of wishing you were different. I thought we were going to see a new side of the mature Justin Bieber. I thought it was going to be a very inspiring song that would boost people's self esteem and benefit the entire youth generation. 

I was wrong. 

When I heard it for the first time on the radio, I remember my jaw dropping. I was just thinking "What?" the whole time. It was completely unexpected, and about the second chorus I noticed that "love" in the title and lyrics was meant to be another, not so nice word. I realize now that it is a very relaxed break up song. 

The beat and music behind the lyrics is very simple and repetitive. I believe that Bieber does this to show that he's not upset, and he doesn't have to show off. He is happy now, and he is chill with the situation. He also states in the lyrics that "he didn't want to write a song." He could also be using the soft and simple music and background because he didn't want to put the effort into making an amazing and complex song for someone he cares so little about. 

The lyrics are pure savage. It's all him saying "I never really liked you. You were a terrible person. I'm not hurt that you're gone."  He says that she got into clubs using his name, meaning that she used him and his fame. Another point in the song says that she didn't like his friends, and the problem was her, not them. This shows that he is true to his friends, and that she came second to them. This is pretty respectable in my opinion.  The lyric that, in my opinion, puts the nail in to coffin is "My momma don't like you, and she likes everyone."  This lyric stands out to me the most.  To me, in a relationships parent approval is huge, and his mom didn't like this girl. That meant a lot, considering there isn't a person she doesn't like.  I find this comical. 

I think this song was shocking to a lot of people. I recall hearing on the radio a man calling in to request this song. (Yes, a man requesting Justin Bieber. Times have changed.) When asked why this song, he said "I'm a three time cancer survivor."  I'm pretty sure he had the same thoughts as me. 

Moral of the story here, don't judge a song by its title. 

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