Sunday, November 15, 2015

Music with Meaning

Things happen. You have your first kiss, you get married, you get in a car accident, things impact your life. One thing that always seems to be there, is music. It always seems to be a part of major life events. You remember them for your whole life, and you can usually tell what song was playing when it happened. Or the music playing made the thing so much better, or in some cases, much more awkward. 

I'm a student, so I obviously haven't gotten married. But the first dance at my parents' wedding was Almost Paradise from the movie Footloose. They hear this song and they start to tell stories of old times, their wedding, and memories from when they were young. After my first kiss with my boyfriend Scott, I got in my car and the song Cheerleader was playing. This has become our song, and now it seems like every time we are together, or every time we think about each other, it plays.  When I got in my first car accident not too long ago (nobody was hurt, just a bit of damage to my car), the song Where Are You Now was playing on the radio. 

I don't consciously think about these things, but when I hear these songs, the memories flood back to me. I can remember what I was doing, where I was, what I was wearing, almost everything about that moment. This happens to a lot of people. They just remember things because the memory is hooked to that song. I love it when this happens, because a lot of the memories make me happy. And if they don't, it means that I've learned something from those memories. It's an amazing feeling. 

Maybe this doesn't happen to everybody. Maybe it is just me, and I'm crazy. But this is yet another reason that I love music so much. It affects people in amazing ways, and just by hearing a song, they can remember things that happened years ago and be happy again. Just reminiscing in old times, thinking about memories that they will hold on to for the rest of their life. That's why music is beautiful. 

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